výběrové řízení na pozici Doktorand/ka – archeometrie – analýza keramiky
Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v.v.i., vypisuje v rámci programu OP JAK (expert team, RES-HUM) výběrové řízení na pozici Doktorand/ka – archeometrie – analýza keramiky, PhD student, Archaeometry – pottery analyst (Research work package No. 3, Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague, v. v. i.).
The PhD student will participate in research activities of the project “Ready for the future: understanding long-term resilience of the human culture” in Programme Johannes Amos Comenius (Czech Republic – The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, co-funded by the European Union), which is focused on the explaining the basic principles of the resilience of human society in a historical perspective using long time series and on the transfer of the acquired knowledge into everyday social life. This objective will be achieved by promoting excellent research and developing collaboration between the humanities and natural sciences, such as archaeology, art history, anthropology, genetics, geology, climatology, botany, geophysics and nuclear physics. The programme aims to support the increase of the number of excellent R&D results in the Czech Republic and the development and support of excellent research teams with cutting-edge equipment in all aspects. The PhD student will be working in the research team of the Research work package No. 3 – Centre for Research on the Technological and Economic Impact on Human Society and its Adaptability in the Long-Term Perspective.
The candidate is expected to apply an innovative approach to archaeometric analysis of the pottery and clay materials, to pursue a holistic and interdisciplinary concept of research on human society and its resilience, or to be experienced in analytical methods of scientific data processing. The candidate should exhibit experience with operating analytical machines such as XRF and XRD and have experience with scientific data processing using statistical methods (R and similar).
The application should include:
– CV including a summary of work experience, publication activity, involvement in research grants and further information documenting the above-mentioned facts (information on previous contracts, publication activity, etc.),
– Cover Letter,
– two letters of reference.
CRITERIA – The successful candidate should:
– be a PhD student of Archaeology / Geology / History / Chemistry / Physics,
– have a publication activity – in the past 3 years, at least 1 publication such as “articles”, “books”, “book chapters”, “letters” and “reviews”,
– have excellent communication skills and be able to collaborate with multiple teams,
– demonstrate a capacity for innovative research, new methods & methodologies, and cross-disciplinary thinking,
– be able to cooperate on an international research project,
– be fluent in English.
We offer the opportunity to get:
– interesting job in a dynamically expanding academic/scientific area,
– flexible working hours,
– diverse and challenging work in excellent research,
– professional team and pleasant working environment,
– interaction with leading scientists in an inspiring, internationalised environment,
– welcome service for the successful candidate and his/her family.
Anticipated start date: The position is available from January 1st, 2024.
The submission date is December 21st, 2023.
Please submit your application (or send informal inquiries) by e-mail to: kazdova@arup.cas.cz
Review of applications will commence immediately after the deadline. Short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview within one month of the deadline.
By sending your CV, you agree that your personal data provided to the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague, will be processed in accordance with the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (EU) 2016/679 and will be used exclusively for the purposes of the selection process for the specified position and kept for the necessary period, i.e., for the selection procedure.
We welcome any candidates, regardless of their age, race, nationality, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic background, etc.
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