Mgr. František Trampota, Ph.D.

Department: Oddělení archeologie pravěku
Job: archeolog
Specialization: Neolithic, Eneolithic, macro-spatial settlement structures, distribution structures, stone tools
8X23038 Neolithic Mobilities: Morava river basin as a case study
GA23-05334S Metabasites of the Jizerské Hory (Jizera Mountain) Type as a Trans-Cultural Link Between Central European Prehistoric Communities
MP (PAN-24-01), mobility Poland Mutual dialogues of prehistoric communities based on the distribution of stone raw materials in the Czech-Polish area 5000–4500 BC


He is interested in the study of macrospatial settlement structures, the dynamics of early agricultural societies in central Europe, the typology and raw materials of stone artefacts. His main spatial focus of interest is located in Moravia.

Academic profile: