Archaeobotanical database of Czech Republic

Data - Search Taxa

Scientific Names of Taxa


Detail EO-OPAVA_no.1

Scientific name Family Species Arch. dating Preservation Sum of macro Frequency Locality
Acinos arvensis Lamiaceae pamětník rolní no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Aegopodium podagraria Apiaceae bršlice kozí noha no.1 watelogged 4 0 sites
Aethusa cynapium Apiaceae tetlucha kozí pysk no.1 watelogged 28 0 sites
Agrostemma githago Caryophyllaceae koukol polní no.1 watelogged 13 0 sites
Anethum graveolens Apiaceae kopr vonný no.1 watelogged 78 0 sites
Anthemis arvensis Asteraceae rmen rolní no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Aphanes arvensis Rosaceae nepatrnec rolní no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Apium graveolens Apiaceae celer no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Arctium lappa Asteraceae lopuch větší no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Asperula arvensis Rubiaceae mařinka rolní no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Atriplex patula Chenopodiaceae lebeda rozkladitá no.1 watelogged 53 0 sites
Avena sativa Poaceae oves setý no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Ballota nigra Lamiaceae měrnice černá no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Brassica sp. Brassicaceae brukev no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Bromus secalinus Poaceae sveřep stoklasa pravý no.1 watelogged 10 0 sites
Bupleurum rotundifolium Apiaceae prorostlík okrouhlolistý no.1 watelogged 66 0 sites
Carex nigra Cyperaceae ostřice obecná no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Carex ovalis Cyperaceae ostřice zaječí no.1 watelogged 25 0 sites
Carex pallescens Cyperaceae ostřice bledavá no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Carex sp. Cyperaceae ostřice no.1 watelogged 5 0 sites
Carex spicata Cyperaceae ostřice klasnatá no.1 watelogged 7 0 sites
Centaurea cyanus Asteraceae chrpa modrá no.1 watelogged 3 0 sites
Cirsium arvense Asteraceae pcháč oset no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Cirsium oleraceum Asteraceae pcháč zelinný no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Cirsium sp. Asteraceae pcháč no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Clinopodium vulgare Lamiaceae klinopád obecný (marulka obecná) no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Coriandrum sativum Apiaceae koriandr setý no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Corylus avellana Betulaceae líska obecná no.1 watelogged 4 0 sites
Daucus carota Apiaceae mrkev obecná no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Eleocharis palustris agg. Cyperaceae bahnička mokřadní no.1 watelogged 8 0 sites
Eleocharis sp. Cyperaceae bahnička no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Euphorbia helioscopia Euphorbiaceae pryšec kolovratec no.1 watelogged 6 0 sites
Fagopyrum esculentum Polygonaceae pohanka obecná no.1 watelogged 12 0 sites
Fallopia convolvulus Polygonaceae opletka obecná no.1 watelogged 7 0 sites
Fallopia dumetorum Polygonaceae opletka křovištní no.1 watelogged 11 0 sites
Ficus carica Moraceae fíkovník smokvoň no.1 watelogged 107 0 sites
Fragaria vesca Rosaceae jahodník obecný no.1 watelogged 21373 0 sites
Galeopsis ladanum Lamiaceae konopice širolistá no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Galeopsis speciosa Lamiaceae konopice sličná no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Galium aparine Rubiaceae svízel přítula no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Galium spurium Rubiaceae svízel pochybný no.1 watelogged 3 0 sites
Galium tricornutum Rubiaceae svízel trojrohý no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Geranium dissectum Geraniaceae kakost dlanitosečný (k. dvousečný) no.1 watelogged 4932 0 sites
Geranium sp. Geraniaceae kakost no.1 watelogged 5 0 sites
Hordeum distichon Poaceae ječmen dvouřadý no.1 watelogged 5 0 sites
Humulus lupulus Cannabaceae chmel otáčivý no.1 watelogged 121 0 sites
Hyoscyamus niger Solanaceae blín černý no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Juglans regia Juglandaceae ořešák královský no.1 watelogged 4 0 sites
Lapsana communis Asteraceae kapustka obecná no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Lepidium campestre Brassicaceae řeřicha chlumní no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Lolium sp. Poaceae jílek no.1 charred 1 0 sites
Malus domestica Rosaceae jabloň domácí no.1 watelogged 113 0 sites
Malus/Pyrus Rosaceae jabloň/hrušeň no.1 watelogged 15 0 sites
Neslia paniculata Brassicaceae řepinka latnatá no.1 watelogged 18 0 sites
Panicum miliaceum Poaceae proso seté no.1 watelogged 42 0 sites
Panicum miliaceum Poaceae proso seté no.1 charred 1 0 sites
Papaver somniferum Papaveraceae mák setý no.1 watelogged 326 0 sites
Persicaria hydropiper Polygonaceae rdesno peprník no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Persicaria lapathifolia agg. Polygonaceae rdesno blešník no.1 watelogged 195 0 sites
Persicaria maculosa Polygonaceae rdesno červivec no.1 watelogged 3 0 sites
Petroselinum crispum Apiaceae petržel obecná no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Physalis alkekengi Solanaceae mochyně židovská no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Pimpinella anisum Apiaceae bedrník anýz no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Polygonum aviculare agg. Polygonaceae truskavec ptačí no.1 watelogged 33 0 sites
Potentilla norvegica Rosaceae mochna norská no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Primula veris Primulaceae prvosenka jarní (petrklíč) no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Prunus avium Rosaceae třešeň ptačí (třešeň) no.1 watelogged 751 0 sites
Prunus domestica Rosaceae slivoň švestka (švestka) no.1 watelogged 17 0 sites
Prunus insititia Rosaceae slivoň obecná no.1 watelogged 11 0 sites
Prunus persica Rosaceae broskvoň obecná no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Prunus spinosa Rosaceae trnka obecná (trnka) no.1 watelogged 71 0 sites
Pyrus communis Rosaceae hrušeň obecná no.1 watelogged 15 0 sites
Ranunculus repens Ranunculaceae pryskyřník plazivý no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Rosa sp. Rosaceae růže no.1 watelogged 30 0 sites
Rubus caesius Rosaceae ostružiník ježiník (o. sivý) no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Rubus fruticosus agg. Rosaceae ostružiník křovitý no.1 watelogged 204 0 sites
Rubus idaeus Rosaceae ostružiník maliník (maliník) no.1 watelogged 4072 0 sites
Rumex acetosa Polygonaceae šťovík kyselý no.1 watelogged 8 0 sites
Rumex acetosella Polygonaceae šťovík menší no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Rumex crispus Polygonaceae šťovík kadeřavý no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Rumex obtusifolius Polygonaceae šťovík tupolistý no.1 watelogged 4 0 sites
Sambucus ebulus Caprifoliaceae bez chebdí no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Sambucus nigra Caprifoliaceae bez černý no.1 watelogged 4 0 sites
Scleranthus annuus Caryophyllaceae chmerek roční no.1 watelogged 7 0 sites
Secale cereale Poaceae žito seté no.1 charred 5 0 sites
Setaria pumila Poaceae bér sivý no.1 watelogged 107 0 sites
Setaria sp. Poaceae bér no.1 watelogged 4 0 sites
Sinapis arvensis Brassicaceae hořčice polní no.1 watelogged 12 0 sites
Solanum dulcamara Solanaceae lilek potměchuť no.1 watelogged 3 0 sites
Solanum nigrum Solanaceae lilek černý no.1 watelogged 4 0 sites
Spergularia rubra Caryophyllaceae kuřinka červená no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Stachys annua Lamiaceae čistec roční no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Stachys arvensis Lamiaceae čistec rolní no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Stachys sylvatica Lamiaceae čistec lesní no.1 watelogged 1 0 sites
Stellaria graminea Caryophyllaceae ptačinec trávovitý no.1 watelogged 5 0 sites
Stellaria media agg. Caryophyllaceae ptačinec prostřední no.1 watelogged 16 0 sites
Thlaspi arvense Brassicaceae penízek rolní no.1 watelogged 9 0 sites
Triticum aestivum/compactum Poaceae pšenice setá s.l. no.1 watelogged 7 0 sites
Urtica dioica Urticaceae kopřiva dvoudomá no.1 watelogged 2 0 sites
Valerianella dentata Valerianaceae kozlíček zubatý no.1 watelogged 7 0 sites
Vicia sp. Fabaceae vikev, bob no.1 watelogged 6 0 sites
Vitis vinifera Vitaceae réva vinná no.1 watelogged 103 0 sites